
At our school we want our children to do well and be happy.

We recognise that you, as a parent/carer, play an important part in making this happen. Therefore, our school aim is to provide as many opportunities to keep you informed and involved in your child’s progress as we possibly can.

Regular reports, open days and visits all help the process and questions and concerns are usually dealt with quickly and helpfully.

Initially any complaints should be made to the Head Teacher or the Chair of The Academy Council if it is about the Head Teacher. 

Complaints Procedure Statement

Nexus Multi Academy Trust has one Complaints Policy and Procedure for all our academies. Our Complaints Procedure will:

  • encourage resolution of problems by informal means wherever possible
  • be easily accessible and publicised
  • be simple to understand and use
  • be impartial
  • be non-adversarial
  • allow swift handling with established time-limits for action and keeping people informed of the progress
  • ensure a full and fair investigation by an independent person where necessary
  • respect people’s desire for confidentiality
  • address all the points at issue and provide an effective response and appropriate redress, where necessary
  • provide information to the Trust’s senior management team so that services can be improved.
  • The Trust will be clear about the difference between a concern and a complaint. We will take concerns seriously at the earliest stage to reduce the numbers that develop into complaints. As per our complaints procedure, there are four stages in which a complaint can be dealt with:

Stage 1: Informal Resolution
Stage 2: Formal Resolution
Stage 3: Panel Hearing

A copy of the Trust’s complaint’s policy can be accessed here 

Complaints Policy 

If you have a complaint, FOI request or SAR, information on how to do so can be accessed here

Complaints, SAR & FOI