At Coppice we aim to provide all young people with the skills and experiences required in the world beyond our school.
We have a dedicated team who provide a variety of opportunities appropriate to pupil need, interests and hopes for the future. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Careers Lead Chris Medwell for more information.
Careers Lead: Chris Medwell
Address: Coppice School, Ash Hill Road, Doncaster DN7 6JH
Telephone No: 01302 844883
Coppice pupils will also meet with Sarah Richardson, the Central Nexus Careers Advisor. Working with the Careers Lead and Teaching Team, Sarah will support in developing a Careers Action Plan for pupils from Year 7 onwards. For those young people who it is appropriate for, Sarah will meet for 1:1 careers advice and guidance.
Careers Delivery
From Year 7, pupils engage in a bespoke careers programme that meets their needs and aspirations. The programme follows the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks:
Careers and work-related learning is interwoven throughout our curriculum from the earliest stages in Coppice School and as part of a bespoke curriculum in Post 16.
Within Post 16, learners work with external organisations including the DWP and Job Centre. Learners follow a personalised timetable that is tailored to their individual needs and EHCP outcomes, work is completed in collaboration with the young person and their families through the Person-Centred Annual Review Process. Targets are set to build Social, Independence and Employability Skills in line with Preparation for Adulthood outcomes.
We ensure that all learners have encounters with further education providers with visits taking part from the earliest opportunities. Learners also have encounters with the world of work as part of their curriculum. Internal and External work placements are offered where appropriate and Enterprise/Employability forms a major part of the holistic PfA Curriculum.
Measuring Impact
The impact of our careers programme is measured through the school Self Evaluation Form (SEF) and Careers Action Plan. Coppice School is part of the South Yorkshire Careers Network and we attend regular meetings as part of the Careers Hub.
Where appropriate, From Year 7 onwards, pupils complete a profile using START - this is supplemented with information provided by the Central Careers Advisor, Careers Lead and Teaching Team to build a personalised profile linking to career goals and aspirations.
The Careers Lead completes a Compass+ evaluation at the end of each term, this is then reviewed to create an action plan. The Careers Lead meets with an Enterprise Coordinator to discuss the Compass+ Evaluation and identify areas for development and support.
Post 16 - Nexus MAT
We have a Post 16 offer across Nexus with all schools working collaboratively to broaden provision for Doncaster learners. Here are website links to Doncaster schools within the Multi-Academy Trust:
Further Education and Learning
We work closely with FE Providers to ensure a smooth transition from Coppice to Post 19 settings. Here are links to other Post 16/19 Further Education Providers:
Doncaster Communication Specialist College
The Ridge Employability College
There are also a number of training providers in Doncaster, click on the link to take you through to the START website for more information.
Start Website - Post 16 SEND Doncaster
Start Website - Post 16 SEND Rotherham
Further Information
Labour Market Information - Follow the link to see where people in Doncaster work, with developments in technology, there are now numerous jobs that did not exist 10 years ago. It is important to keep up to date with what is happening locally, nationally and internationally.
SEND Local Offer
The SEND Local Offer provides clear, comprehensive information on support and opportunities available to children, young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families/carers. It includes details of local educational, health and social care agencies, plus resources, activities and events, and provides links to local SENDIASS (SEND Information and Advice Service).
Please click the following links for more information: