Additional Funding

Pupil Premium Grant Spending

Pupil premium funding is used to promote social skills, encourage student engagement, independent learning and positive behaviour in order to improve attendance, increase rates of progress and ultimately improve levels of attainment, as per the Department for Education guidelines.


PE and Sports Premium Grant

The DfE awards each primary school in England an annual amount of £16,000 plus an extra £10 per eligible pupil to help fund PE and sport. You can learn more about this funding by clicking on the following reports to find out what we have been doing with it at Coppice School.

Below are the plans and impact report for this year and previous years. 


Covid Catch up Funding 

The government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up lost time after school closure. This is especially important for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds. You can learn more about this funding by clicking on the document below.  As of August 2022 this funding has now been withdrawn by the Government.


Year 7 Catch Up Funding

As per the Dfe website, this funding allocation was withdrawn as of 1st June 2021


National Tutoring Programme

National Tutoring Programme – Coppice School – Intent, Implementation, Impact

28 children will be tutored across a period of 4 weeks.

Number of pupils Cost per pupil  Amount covered by grant (75%)  Amount covered by Coppice (25%) Total
28  £705  £14,805  £4,935  £19,740

The funding will be used to support the quality of teaching and provide targeted academic support.

Due to the impact of COVID, academic support provided will be in the form of interventions focused on specific EHCP targets as we feel this is an area of need for our pupils. The tutoring will be tailored to support with non-academic barriers to success and the following areas of need: Communication and Interaction; Cognition and Learning; Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties; Sensory and/or Physical needs. The tutor is working closely with each pupils’ class team.

Interventions will take place in a variety of locations around school as a form of evidenced base research. Whilst working with the tutor on their EHCP targets, support staff will observe the pupils to see how they engage with the different learning environments and resources. This will provide school with a cross-section of pupils from KS1-KS4 and their engagement levels of the outdoors and associated materials and activities. Engagement will be measured using the Leuven Scales for Emotional Well-being 1-5.

The development of the outdoor areas is School Improvement Priority – the spaces will be developed to support positive mental health and emotional well-being for all pupils, as well as being a successful vehicle for facilitating all areas of learning.

Therefore the grant is being utilised two-fold, using student agency as a firm foundation for the development of our outdoor areas, providing better outcomes for our pupils in future years, whilst targeting support for areas of need in the here and now.


PE and Sports Premium 2024

Covid Catch-up Spend 2021

Pupil Premium Strategy 24-25