
Welcome to Holly Class

Our staff team:



Who we are from left to right; Becky, Trena, Natasha & Marie

In Holly Class we love to….
  • Singing and joining in with the actions to nursery rhymes

  • Create using scented playdough, paints and food

  • Dance and listen to music whilst making our own sounds with instruments and Shabang

  • Using our outdoor environment for learning opportunities.

  • Be mindful with massages, tacpac, story massage and yoga

  • Exploring messy and sensory play

Our books this term;
  • Christopher Pumpkin
  • Lost and Found

  • Night of the Moon

In Holly Class, we strive towards our shared vision by:
  • Ensure the environment is welcoming and engaging so students feel safe and confident to explore

  • Providing bespoke activities and therapies to meet children's individual needs

  • Provide students with plentiful opportunities to communicate their needs and preferences to ensure they have a voice. 

  • Providing outdoor learning and activities daily.

  • Provide meaningful experiences through a range of activities and approaches so that students can build an understanding of the world around them. 

Holly Knowledge Organiser
Holly Class Funny Faces