Post 16


Welcome to Post 16

The aim of our Post 16 Curriculum is to provide all our young people with meaningful and individualised learning experiences to prepare them for life after Coppice.

The aspirations of our young people and their families are at the heart of our curriculum and learners receive a challenging and personalised curriculum that centres around meaningful EHCP outcomes. The curriculum is built around learner interests whilst returning to the core values of the Preparing for Adulthood areas.

Chris Medwell
Post 16 Lead/Careers Lead
Annabelle Peacock
Terri Christian
Post 16 Tutor
Liam Bowser
Teaching Assistant
Regan Errington
Teaching Assistant
Emma Findlay
Teaching Assistant
Tracey Hackney
Teaching Assistant
Julie Reed
teaching Assistant
Mellony Shepard
Teaching Assistant
Lisa Harper
Teaching Assistant
Gemma Wealthall
Teaching Assistant
Curriculum Intent

Our Curriculum is Person Centred, placing Education Health Care Plan outcomes at its core – encompassing the preparing for adulthood outcomes that include opportunities for Employability; Good Health and Wellbeing; Independent Living and Housing; Friends, Relationships and Community.

Following on from our school offer, we believe in a ‘No Limits’ approach to learning that develops and nurtures life-long learning, builds interests, support mental health and is imaginative and promotes togetherness in the school and wider community.

The Post 16 curriculum is designed to build on learners’ prior knowledge and skills whilst offering new and exciting opportunities and experiences to prepare every young person for a fulfilling and enriching adulthood. As such, the focus is on developing skills and knowledge for young people to move into Further Education, enter employment, live as independently as possible and be fully immersed in their community.

Learners develop their emotional resilience, knowledge and skills to build and maintain positive relationships and live healthily, both physically and emotionally. Learners work towards aspirational outcomes, with an aim to make exceptional progress according to their own needs, strengths and aspirations.


Post 16 Pathways:

There are three pathways within Post 16, these follow a Formal, Semi-Formal and Informal curriculum. Although young people follow a pathway, these are fluid and flexible to meet the individual needs of a young person. All pathways have a core English and Maths offer, working towards Functional Skills qualifications where appropriate. Alongside the core-offer, young people work towards the Preparing for Adulthood Outcomes with accreditation where appropriate. For more information, click on the image below.


Preparing for Adulthood Curriculum

The curriculum is built around the four areas of Preparing for Adulthood. These are EmploymentIndependent LivingFriends Relationships and Community and Good Health and Wellbeing. These areas correspond with Section B of the Education, Health and Care Plan and also the outcomes in Section F. 

All accreditation links to the Preparing for Adulthood Outcomes, units are mapped across the four areas with young people following a three year programme.

For more information and some examples of the PfA Curriculum, please click on the image above or click here.

Maths and English in Post 16
Functional Skills

Staff have extremely high expectations for Maths and English in Post 16. Where appropriate, young people will work towards sitting Functional Skills examinations during their time in Post 16 at Coppice School.

 English and Maths sessions are targeted and bespoke, with small groups working around the same level. Sessions are delivered at Pre-Entry (those who are not yet ready to sit a Functional Skills Examination), Entry Level 1, Entry Level 2 and Entry Level 3. Currently there is a small cohort who are working at Level 1.

These sessions are planned to build on previous skills and knowledge using Functional Skills success criteria and the whole school English and Maths progression maps.

For those young people who are following the Community Inclusion Pathway, English and Maths is embedded throughout the curriculum with a strong focus on Communication and Life Skills. These sessions are planned using Whole School Progression Maps.

English Functional Skills Results - July 2023 (Including Resits - January 2024)
Level Number of Students Sat  Number of Students Passed %
Entry Level 1 5 4 80
Entry Level 2 3 3 100
Entry Level 3 4 3 75


Maths Functional Skills Results - July 2023 (Including Resits - March 2024)
Level Number of Students Sat Number of Students Passed %
Entry Level 1 5 4 80
Entry level 2 3 3 100
Entry Level 3 4 3 75



Where appropriate, young people in Post 16 continue to follow the whole school phonics programme delivered through Essential Letters and Sounds. Young people have access to phonics sessions and have phonics embedded throughout the curriculum. 

Those following a Functional Skills timetable will be working beyond Phase 5 Phonics which links to Entry 1 Functional Skills.


Opportunities for reading should be planned for and naturally occur through each session, regardless of pathway.

Natural opportunities for reading should happen through reading recipes, leaflets, menus etc both whilst in school and out in the community.

Staff in Post 16 also promote Reading for Pleasure with a Post 16 Core Book List. These texts offer a wider breadth of opportunities for our young people to read, with books from different countries and cultures. These books link to the Post 16 theme each term with young people building their own library of texts.

Other opportunities to promote reading for pleasure are offered on a personalised basis, with young people identifying texts and mediums that they personally enjoy including joke books, blogs, poetry and creative writing sessions.


Skills Builder

Our curriculum uses the Skills Builder Framework in order to build the eight 'essential skills' for education, work and life. These are embedded in every session, however each week classes will take part in a 'Skills Builder Challenge' to develop their skills.

These challenges usually take on an 'Apprentice' theme and have included setting up a bakery, finding items for the lowest cost, using buses to get to a location, putting on a Chinese Banquet for Chinese New year and designing a pizza for Wetherspoons.

The World of Work


Employability is a core focus within Post 16 with all learners contributing to a number of Enterprises. Each Christmas we have a stand at various Christmas Fayres and external events. Within school, we have a Cafe, serving staff and pupils across the week as well as seasonal enterprises. The whole process is lead by learners with profits reinvested into the enterprise or put towards enrichment activities.

Post 16 enter the Young Enterprise TEAM Programme, last year, Coppice School were named as Young Enterprise winners for South Yorkshire at a grand ceremony held at The EcoPower Stadium. Learners presented to over 100 people and held a question and answer session with dignitaries from local businesses. Learners also had the experience of holding stalls at trade fairs in Leeds and Rotherham, again victorious as 'Best Trade Stand' winners at the White Rose Centre in Leeds.

Work Placements and Experiences of Work

We believe all learners should experience the world of work. We endeavour to offer bespoke placements based around learners' areas of interest, where external placements are not appropriate, learners can apply for internal positions including Office, Retail, Hospitality and Catering, Grounds Maintenance, Horticulture and Childcare.

External placements are offered to those who are ready to access the world of work - these include Education, Social Care, Retail, Hospitality, Print & Design, Travel and Tourism

All work experiences and placements are personalised to our learners needs, our support staff act as 'job coaches' providing the appropriate level of support and gradually fading as the learner builds confidence and skills.

Independent Living and Community

Community Visits

A huge emphasis is placed is placed on accessing our local community. Learners plan and participate in a number of leisure activities, work towards joining local clubs and groups, access supermarkets and shops and visit cafes and restaurants. All community visits are based on learners' needs, interests and hobbies.

Travel Training and Travel Awareness

Where appropriate, learners follow a robust Independent Travel Training program, supported by a qualified travel training coach, building their skills on making journeys on foot and on various modes of public transport. Those who are able to will complete Open Awards accreditation at Entry Level 2 or Entry Level 3. 

All learners will follow a bespoke plan ranging from experiencing road safety, awareness and stranger danger through to supported travel by foot and on public transport.

Independent Living

Developing the skills to live as independently as possible is key for our young people. Everyone in Post 16 have multiple opportunities to access cooking sessions, developing basic skills through to learning complex catering skills in our 'Commercial Kitchen'. Young people cook school meals throughout the week for the whole of Post 16, building various independent living skills such as using kitchen appliances, kitchen equipment, washing and drying.

As part of the curriculum, all young people access a range of shops, identifying appropriate places to purchase ingredients for cooking, personal hygiene, clothing and leisure products.



Duke of Edinburgh's Award

To enrich the education offered, learners have access to work towards the Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE), this is a non-competitive, internationally recognized program designed to encourage young people to develop positive skills and lifestyle habits.

In Spring 2022, 6 of our learners completed their Bronze Award, completing an expedition that culminated in camping at Squirrel Wood. In 2023, We have 6 more young people working towards their Bronze Award and 9 working towards their Silver Award which will involve a 3 day expedition.

Enrichment Opportunities

As part of our enrichment offer, we encourage learners to participate in a residential and extra-curricular activities, these include a termly karaoke night, lunchtime clubs and social events. Past residentials have included travelling to Belgium to compete in the Special Olympics, going to Northern France for four days and a three day trip to Alton Towers. These activities have made the local news, for more information and to see the photos please click here, or on the picture below...

Click here for more photos and information about our Enrichment Offer



At Coppice we aim to provide all young people with the skills and experiences required in the world beyond our school. 

We have a dedicated team who provide a variety of opportunities appropriate to pupil need, interests and hopes for the future. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Careers Lead Chris Medwell for more information.

Please click here for our dedicated Careers Page

Life After Coppice

We have strong relationships with local Post 19 education providers and those who offer community learning. We ensure that all learners have a robust transition and can make informed choices over the next stage in their lives. Through annual reviews of the Education, Health and Care Plan, and as part of the learners curriculum, we will work with learners and their parents/carers from the earliest opportunity. This allows us to build a transition plan that meets learner needs and aspirations.

For Post 16/Post 19 Providers, please visit the Careers Page or visit Doncaster's Local Offer

Destination Data
Year Leavers FE Independent Specialist Provision Mixed Package Community Learning Work Based Learning - Apprenticeship/ Internship
20/21 10 0 6 2 2 0
21/22 4 0 2 1 1 0
22/23 3 2 1 0 0 0
23/24 (Projected) 13 4 7 0 0 2