
Welcome to Bees Class

Our staff team:

Who we are from left to right: Sara, Jenny, Nat & Sorana

In our class we love to...

- Explore and investigate (especially using our magnifying glasses and torches)

- Build giant towers

- Sing counting songs

- Makes lots of wonderful messy art

- Bake biscuits and cakes for snack

The books we are reading this term are...
  • Faces (My Body, Your Body)

  • Matisse's Magical Trail

  • Cave Baby

  • There's a House Inside my Mummy

In Bee's class, we strive towards our no limits goal by:
  • Encouraging our pupils to use their voices as much as possible with different symbols, pictures, sound and words

  • Developing Independence through our cooking, swimming and personal care lessons

  • Using our imagination to explore new provision areas in our classroom and around school

Bee's Class Knowledge Organiser
Bee's Class Funny Faces