Latest News

  • Modular Build
    18 Sep 23

    Modular Build As you may be aware we are very fortunate that we are currently in the process of having a beautiful new modular build being created and developed at the front of school, this will hopefully house our Post 16 students and have space for a community cafe with industrial kitchen, independent living learning area, workshops, sensory room, classrooms and common room.
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  • Biophillic Environments
    27 Mar 23

    Developing our Environments As you may have seen there are more and more plants and trees popping up around school.
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  • Around the World Day October 2023

    Around the World Day October 2023 On 12th October we had our termly Around the World Day entitled ‘Food and Gatherings Around the World’.
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  • Eco Schools Green Flag award

    We have been awarded the ECO Schools GREEN Flag Award!
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