Learning at Home
Activities to Support Learning at Home
At Coppice we do not have a strict homework policy, however we acknowledge that for some families and children they may want to continue learning at home. Our dedicated staff team have put together some fun and interesting activities should you wish to extend learning at home or if (fingers crossed it doesn't happen again!) we have to move to learning from home for any extended period. If this happens, we have included some information below as to how we will do this.
How will my child be taught remotely?
As with everything we provide at Coppice School remote learning is delivered in a bespoke way to meet the needs of every young person.
We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:
- Work booklets where appropriate
- Online learning portals where appropriate
- Educational websites where appropriate
- Reading tasks where appropriate
- Microsoft Teams where appropriate
- Advice on therapies to do within the home
- Advice on activities to do within the home
- Learning packs sent out where appropriate
- Signposting to videos / links on Coppice website where appropriate
Please have a look at the pages below for lots and lots of activity ideas and support for families who wish to help their children to learn at home.