Our Curriculum
***Parts of our Curriculum pages are still under construction as we continue to adapt and make changes.***
Coppice Bespoke Curriculum
"We believe in a curriculum which is broad and balanced and supports our ‘No LIMITs’ vision which develops and nurtures Life-long learning, builds Interests, supports Mental Health & Well Being, is Imaginative and provides meaningful opportunities, which promotes Togetherness in the school and the wider community. It is Happy-Centered, driven by confidence, positive relationships, support, coping skills and achievement and success"
We have worked hard to develop and will continue to develop a curriculum that is personalised for all of our pupils, facilitating meaningful outcomes for all.
Our pupils have a diverse range of needs and we support their learning at a developmental stage, rather than at age-related expectations.
No LIMITs Vision
At Coppice we have three Pathways to support our curriculum offer and approach to learning, these are; Informal, Semi-Formal & Formal Pathway.
These pathways support the knowledge and skills a pupil needs based on their own individual starting points for their further education beyond Coppice. The pathways are then broken down into more specific colour provision bands, which contain the developmental knowledge and skills within that band.
Pedagogical Approaches for Pathways
Informal Pathway
Semi-Formal Pathway
Formal Pathway
Progression Maps
Progression maps are our bespoke curriculum and have been created for all subject areas. They are based on developmental milestones, skills and knowledge which increase in complexity, moving from pink through to purple provision. The sources for the statements within each colour provision band have been taken from a variety of Statutory and Non-Statutory sources such as Development Matters 2012 (SEND Tapestry adjustments) P levels, National Curriculum end of year expectations, AQA unit awards for Pre-entry, Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3 and Level 1 requirements. The Progression maps and provision bands ensure key skills and knowledge are accounted for and build upon prior knowledge in the following provision bands.
See below examples;
End Points (Statutory Pathway End Points & Termly)
To ensure the collective knowledge and skills within each provision band are ambitious for all our pupils we use Statutory End Points taken from The Early Years Framework and National Curriculum end of Key Stage expectations.
The Coppice Learning Cycle
To support pupils to develop new knowledge and skills,embed previous learning and transfer this into long term memory through repetition and over learning, each lesson at Coppice follows the structure set out in the Coppice Learning Cycle, which has been developed following the Rosenshine Principals of Instruction.
To find out more information about the Curriculum at Coppice please email either;
Janine Surgey jsurgey@nexusmat.org
Jo Worrall jworrall@nexusmat.org
For more information about our curriculum at Coppice please click on the links below;